“METALLAG” bucket elevator pulley lagging for high heat applications
In belt/bucket elevators the design and condition of the pulleys is of crucial importance to the life of the belt. In elevators handling very hot material the belts are heat resistant, e.g. type Polysur T150.
However, the rubbers used as friction layer on the drive pulleys, the lagging, are only available in low heat resistant qualities. The result is that in many elevators handling hot material, such as occurs in elevators handling hot minerals, cement and fly ash, the pulley lagging needs to be replaced frequently during the lifetime of a belt. Once a lagging is affected by the high temperature reigning in the elevator, it crumbles and is lost and when that happens the belt rides over an uneven surface leading to tracking problems and wear to the belt.
Muller Beltex has designed and supplied “METALLAG” all metal bolted on pulley laggings, with a tracking crown for high heat applications. The current practical results show that in severe cases handling product of +165°C. where laggings and pulleys were replaced every 6 months, the investment was earned back after 1.5 year, during which replacement of pulleys and laggings was avoided. The condition of the belts after this period of time have clearly improved, compared to the previous situation.
The life expectancy of the “METALLAG” all metal lagging is 3-5 years. The material is very abrasion-resistant and offers a very positive grip on the belt avoiding belt slip.
Would you like to have more information? Please contact one of our specialists on the telephone number mentioned below.